CARM Events

We have been running national and international events since 2008 on:

  1. The CARM top ten research findings for communication
  2. Opening a telephone call with a prospective client
  3. Getting clients into mediation
  4. Customer service: Call handling, dealing with inquiries, customer’s language
  5. GP receptions: Negotiating urgency, offering alternatives, continuity of care
  6. Impartiality in mediation: Opening a mediation encounter, dealing with -isms
  7. Solution-focused questions
  8. Cold calling and sales: Resistance, negotiation, rapport, listening skills
  9. High stakes conflict and crisis intervention
  10. Conversation analysis and conversational AI

Contact us to arrange a bespoke event for your organization (or cluster or network of organizations). Such events can run from 1–6 hours for 1–36 participants, including one-to-ones.

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